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Creation-Based STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Workshop 

This is a workshop designed for homeschool families, Christian schools, public schools and other interested parties. Worldviews, Biology, Math, General Science and Aerospace Engineering will be covered from a biblical creation perspective.

Friday Jan. 31 and Saturday Feb. 1, 2025
Special Keynote Address
Equipping Youth for the Battlefield – A Briefing 
by Mike Riddle

Friday Jan. 31 at 7PM (Free, everyone invited)


Hibernia Baptist Church

7100 US-17, Fleming Island, FL 32003, USA


Jr., Sr. High School and Adult Workshop

Contact: Dr. Rich or Ginger Overman

108 McVickers Road, Middleburg, FL, 32068

Cell: 904-655-0780; Office: 904-213-1177




Registration (Through  Jan. 18)

Late Registration (after Jan. 18)

                                                              Registration     Late   

Adults (each) -                                 $25.00                $50.00

Children grades 1-12 (each)         $15.00                $40.00


Maximum $60.00 per family (parents/children) if registered before Jan. 1, 2025


Pre-school child care provided for Friday night service only

($10/child, not included in family maximum)


Free registration for volunteers, contact Dr. Rich or Ginger to volunteer.

Gold $500

  • Special mention in the evening service

  • Logo in lobby/on screen for the evening service

  • Name on sponsor board in the lobby

Silver $250

  • Logo in lobby/on screen for the evening service

  • Name on sponsor board in the lobby

Bronze $100

  • Name on sponsor board in the lobby

Children's Workshop Grades 1-6 also available

Workshop Sessions, Jr. & Sr. High and Adults

Creationeering®, Dr. Mark Horstemyer - Distinguished Professor, Liberty University 


Creationeering® is a new paradigm, or worldview, that integrates engineering and business practice for technological entrepreneurship from a Biblical basis. This paradigm subsumes “intelligent design” along with other engineering attributes and business practice. Furthermore, Creationeering® distinguishes itself from “creation science” in that the former includes the “creation process” while the latter is limited to the discovery of existing physical phenomena. The systems engineering steps of Creationeering® include the following: design, analysis/synthesis, procurement/making, logistics, assembly, performance/function, sustainability, and death/recycling. The business aspects include the following: human personnel, finances, legal, sales/marketing, and management. The eight steps in engineering and the five aspects of business comprise the paradigm of Creationeering®. God’s account of the Creationeering® process is presented with respect to the creation of the cosmos, and Moses’ account of the Creationeering® process is presented with respect to the Tabernacle. A brief history is given to explain the loss of the Creationeering® mandate and recovery from the Reformation and consequential industrial revolution. Finally, a modern example of the common automobile is discussed to bring clarification regarding Creationeering®.

Why Christians Should Conduct Research

There are biblical reasons, cultural reasons, and financial reasons to conduct research as a Christian. What defines Christian research versus non-Christian research? Essentially, it is the frame of reference of which a person will view the information, data, and results.  Evolutionists will find a fossil today and make up a story with its associated timing of what happened in the past.  However, one cannot predict the past by just examining the current state of a material or structure. One  needs to know the history of the entity to really develop a good theory about what happened. Our claim as creationists is that we have clues about the history because the Bible has documented them for us. Evolutionists are examining fossils today and speculating about the past without knowing the history. Hence, Christians need to conduct research in order to address false claims about science.  This presentation shows Bible verses and examples of why Christians should conduct research.

Biology, Bill Clifton - Science Partners

Body Language (Human Biology) 

“I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well,” Psalm 139:14. 


Our unique bodies speak louder than words, giving silent testimony to our awesome Creator Who made us in His image.  Understanding the biological design of our bodies provides us with insight into the incredible works of our Creator.  Learn about irreducible complexity in the human body as we study cells, organs, bones, and more. 


Dinosaurs - Those “Terrible Lizards” (Zoology - Dinosaurs)

“Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox.  He is the chief of the ways of God,” Job 40:15, 19. 


Join us as we “dig” for the truth about dinosaurs.  Are they mentioned in the Bible?  Did they live “millions of years” ago – or along with man?  What about soft, pliable blood vessels and tissues discovered in dinosaur fossils?  How large were they?  Are they extinct?  Workshop artifacts include a large dinosaur track, dinosaur coprolite, dino egg models, T-rex tooth and brain casts, Velociraptor claw replica, and more.


 What Swallowed Jonah? and Other Amazing Sea Creatures (Marine Biology)

“There is the sea, great and broad, in which are swarms without number, animals both small and great,” Psalm 104:25. 


Mr. Clifton draws from his years of experience as head of SeaWorld Orlando's Education Department and his biblical, creationist perspective to share with us his knowledge of the amazing creatures that live in the sea.  Artifacts for this workshop include shark jaw, megalodon tooth, stingray barbs, fossilized horseshoe crab, fossilized whale rib and vertebra, and more.

Physics - Dr. Danny Faulkner, Answers in Genesis (CER Board Member)

Philosophy of Science 

What is science and how is it done? The philosophy of science involves the definition of what science is and the description of how science is done. Unfortunately, the state of education in the philosophy of science today is not good. Most treatments of the subject are mere introductions, leaving the impression that "the scientific method" is a sort of recipe that one may follow. Rather than being a formal process, science is a process of drawing inferences about how the world works. There are trends in the attitude about science today that are hostile to theism. This presentation will open new doors into the way that you teach and do science.



The laws of thermodynamics represent the most basic physical properties designed by God. By understanding these laws we can make sense of many things that we observe. This presentation introduces you to the laws with practical applications.



Albert Einstein developed two versions of his relativity principles; general relativity and special relativity. Essentially, general relativity is a theory of gravity which, instead of being an invisible force that attracts objects to one another, gravity is a curving or warping of space. The more massive an object, the more it warps the space around it. Special relativity involves the speed of light, among other things. This is presented at the high school level.

Quantum Mechanics 

What goes on inside an atom? Quantum mechanics is the branch of mechanics that deals with the mathematical description of the motion and interactions of subatomic particles, incorporating the concepts of quantization of energy, wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, and the correspondence principle. This is presented at the high school level.


Math - Dr. Jim Mirabella, Professor 

The Illusion of Evolution

Magic & mentalism is used to explain probability.  For things to work out perfectly, it requires someone in control à the magician.  Only a magician does magic while God can do miracles. 


Worldviews - Mike Riddle, Creation Training

Critical Thinking Skills and Tactics 

· Evolutionists tactics 

· Three critical thinking questions 

· A power question 

· Fuzzy words and magic words 

· Red-flag words 

· Tactics 

· Analyzing statements 


Answering Six Power Challenges 

· Prove to me God exists 

· How do you fit dinosaurs into the Bible? 

· Scientists Have proven the Bible is false 

· If Jesus is the only way, then what about all the people who have heard about Him? 

· How could Noah fit all the animals on the Ark?  

· Carbon-14 proves the fossils are old.  


Does the Age of the Earth Matter? – The Ultimate Answer for Christians 

· Some considerations 

· A divisive issue 

· Our duty (2 Timothy 2:15; 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22) 

· Hermeneutics made easy 

· Important considerations 

· Examining six biblical issues 

· Examples of deception 

· A conclusion 


Standing Firm in an Age of Deception 

· Setting the standard for standing firm against deception 

· Answering eight trans-gender challenges 

· Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) 



Equipping Youth for the Battlefield – A Briefing 

The mission 

· Matthew 28:19-20; 2 Timothy 2:2 

The situation 

· Some statistics 

· What secular education teaches and what they don’t teach 

· The woke agenda -forced indoctrination 

· The state of Christian education – the world is out-educating the church 

The execution – the plan of action 

· The greatest mission field 

· Educating for success 

· The big 10 – what youth need to know 

· Unity and leadership 


Aerospace Engineering - Alfred Menendez, Engineer, Kennedy Space Center

1) Liftoff - Astro-engineering 1 - the engineering of a rocket to get into space

2) To the Moon - Astro-engineering 2 - addressing the orbital mechanics to get to the moon

3) To the Planets - Astro-engineering 3 - addressing the orbital mechanics to get to another planet

4) Landing - Astro-engineering 4 - addressing the engineering aspects of landing on another planet

I will engage the students with some videos, a quick hands on project, and lecture.  I will always start with the Bible and having  a biblical worldview.   I will have a simple bible verse to memorize.  I hope to give out pictures or something related to spaceflight.   

General Science - Joe Laughlin, Former Science Teacher

1) Earth's Weather - past & present

2) Timeline of the Genesis Flood / Was an Earth year once 360 days?

3) Weather of Other Planets

About the Instructors

Dr. Mark Horstemyer, a distinguished professor at Liberty University, Dr. Horstemyer has over 40 years engineering and teaching experience. His research expertise includes Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME), multiscale materials modeling, microstructure-property constitutive modeling, finite deformation inelasticity, damage evolution, fracture, fatigue, penetration and impact mechanics; atomistic simulations, finite element analysis, crashworthiness, high-rate deformation, biomechanics, geomechanics, cosmology, and bio-inspired design optimization.

Bill Clifton, a former evolutionist, has a passion for God’s creation!  His desire is to share his knowledge of science and the Bible to help others understand our incredible Creator and His handiwork.  For over 40 years, Bill has taught various science, Bible, and creation classes for public, Christian, and home schools as well as seminary.  He was also head of SeaWorld Orlando's Education Department and served as Minister of Education in a local church before he and his wife Merilee founded Science Partners in 2000.  They offer Creation Adventures (field trips and workshops) for homeschool families, Christian schools, and churches. Bill is a creation speaker and ordained minister. Bill and Merilee have been married 53 years!  They have three children, eleven grandchildren, and two grandchildren-in-law.


Dr. Danny Faulkner holds an MS in Physics from Clemson University and an MA and PhD in Astronomy from Indiana University and taught at the University of South Carolina Lancaster for over 26 years. He serves as a board member of the Creation Research Society and has published over 100 papers in various journals. He now works as a researcher, author, and speaker for Answers in Genesis.


Dr. Jim Mirabella, Professor

James Mirabella received his B.S. in Operations Research from the  U. S. Air Force Academy, his M.B.A. from Auburn University, and his  D.B.A. in Management from Nova Southeastern University. His  teaching interests are in Operations Management, Statistics, and  Quantitative Analysis. His areas of research interests include Operations Management, TQM, Human Resources, and Teaching & Learning. His experience includes nine years in the U.S. Air Force in Logistics and Analysis, nine years in the corporate sector in Marketing Research and Quality, three years in academics as a director of research, and twenty years of adjunct teaching in statistics and research.

Dr. Jim Mirabella has been with Jacksonville University since 1998 when he joined the inaugural ADP faculty as an adjunct and has since become full-time in 2008. He enjoys spending time with his wife, Karen, and his 9-year old son, Sean (whom they homeschool). Jim and his son are members of the International Brotherhood of Magicians and the Fellowship of Christian Magicians, and they both enjoy performing Gospel magic, and Jim likes to use magic when teaching. He has written and directed many plays and enjoys leading the drama ministry at his church, and loves to travel (mostly cruising) as well as playing & watching sports.


Mike Riddle, Founder and President of CTI, Apologist and Education Specialist

Mike, a key figure at Creation Training Initiative (CTI), has dedicated over 40 years to educating others on biblical creation, apologetics, and Christian education. As the founder and president of CTI, Mike is not only an internationally recognized speaker and teacher but also brings a wealth of experience from diverse backgrounds, including his time as a USMC Captain and a national track and field champion.

His workshops are informative and designed to equip educators and enthusiasts alike with the knowledge and tools needed to effectively defend their beliefs. Mike has addressed audiences at NASA, various secular and Christian universities, churches worldwide, state homeschool conventions, and numerous educational institutions. His sessions are crafted to enhance understanding and advocacy for biblical truths.


Alfred Menendez, Co-coordinator, with my wife Lisa, of the Space Coast Creation Club in Cocoa Florida, Started in 2008 and still going. 


Bachelor’s degree in Space Sciences, Fla Tech 1977, Melbourne, FL 

Master’s degree in Aeronautics and Astronautics, MIT, 1981, Cambridge, MA


- Shuttle Mission Simulator software engineer at JSC, 1977-1979

- Research Assistant in Guidance Navigation (GN) Section at Charles Stark Draper Lab, 1979-1981 

- Space Shuttle GN Test, Checkout, and Launch team Engineer/ Kennedy Space Center 1981 - 2011 – sat on console for over 75 Shuttle launches 

- Currently working on Commercial Crew program at Kennedy Space Center

- Graduate Adjunct faculty in Spacecraft Systems graduate program at Fla Tech since 1994


Joe Laughlin, 


1975 - Lake Brantley HS, Altamonte Springs, FL - graduate

1979 - Seminole Community College - Sanford, FL - AA degree

1982 - University of Central Florida - Orlando, FL - BA in Science Education


1982 - 1997        Lyman HS, Longwood, FL - Science Teacher, Cross Country/Track & Field Coach & Official

1997 - 1999        The Geneva School - Fern Park, FL - Science Department Chair & Teacher - middle school & high school

1999 - 2007        Lawton Chiles Middle School - Oviedo, FL - General Science Teacher, Cross Country/Track & Field Coach & Official

1975 - present    Sports Official & Announcer - road racing, track & field, cross country/ Owner - J7 Sports Event Management


1990    NASA NEWMAST - Teacher of the Year

1992    Lyman HS - Teacher of the Year

 Creation Science Research

1984                   Accepted Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior

1990                   International Conference on Creationism - participant

1985 - 2007       incorporated creation science/intelligent design into public & private school curriculum

1995 - present used Creation Education Resources for science research

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