ICC#8 - Wrap upWe finally arrived home after a day of airline delays. However, that did not diminish the excitement from the conference. The last day...
ICC#7 - Creationism in Genetics, Paleontology, Education, and ChemistryThe evening session today focused on four areas as indicated in the title. Biblical Genetics - Dr. John Sanford. Dr. Sanford ...
ICC#6 - Day 2, Geologic FunToday started the individual papers. I went to mostly geology papers. If you recall from the anticipation article, I was interested in an...
ICC#5 - Day 1- The Future of Creation ScienceThe first day only had an evening session. This session consisted, primarily, of 3 talks by leaders in 3 fields of study. The presenters...
ICC#4 - Origins 2023The pre-conference, Origins 2023 was Saturday. This is sponsored by the Creation Biology Society (CBS). The CBS also includes the...
ICC#3 - Travel and Rest DaysAfter being dropped off at the airport by our friends, John and Linda Kingsley, we had an uneventful trip to Dayton. The most exciting...
ICC#2 - AnticipationThe International Conference on Creationism is only a few days away. There are two areas that I am looking forward to learning more...
ICC#1- Journey BeginsFirst is a series of blogs about the International Conference on Creationism (ICC)
The Command to be Skeptical"And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;" (discernment) Philippians 1:9 KJV This...
The Reason of God OR The God of ReasonI have long ascribed, and this ministry has certainly ascribed for many years, that no Christian should ever 'check' his brain at the...