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ICC#5 - Day 1- The Future of Creation Science

Writer's picture: Dr. Rich OvermanDr. Rich Overman

Updated: Jul 26, 2023

The first day only had an evening session. This session consisted, primarily, of 3 talks by leaders in 3 fields of study. The presenters gave their impressions of the state of creation science as it relates to their field of study.

  1. Creation in Theology - Dr. Bill Barrick

Dr. Barrick addressed two areas of concern he has with creation science as it relates to theology. Theology, in this context, has to do with the interpretation of scripture. His two concerns are:

a. Internal - How we interpret the Word of God

Creation science has suffered from inaccurate exegesis. We need to be careful to make sure that our excesses are accurate. To facilitate this, Dr. Barrick offered a three-part solution.

1. Listen carefully to trained theologians

2. Have papers, books, articles, etc. reviewed by skilled theologians. Every creation ministry should have a highly qualified (to the same level of qualification as the scientists on staff) theologian to review all published material to ensure accurate exegesis.

3. Join in inter-disciplinary study where research projects include all relevant scientific disciplines as well as a trained, skilled theologian.

b. External - How we use or relate the Bible to our science.

Science cannot impose itself onto the biblical text. Instead of biblical interpreters consulting scientists, scientists must first consult biblical interpreters. Science is constantly changing; the Bible never changes.

As he was speaking, I was reminded of a letter to the editor I published in the Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 57 No. 3, Winter 2021, where I laid out a biblical scientific method. The first two steps of the biblical scientific method are to:

  1. Searching the Scriptures to see what specific, if any, information the Scriptures contain about the subject.

  2. Search the Scriptures for any biblical principles that should be applied to the subject of the inquiry.

After these two steps, the standard scientific method applies.

2. Creation in Geology - Dr. Andrew Snelling

Dr. Snelling gave his view of the current state of creationist geology. He gave details about each of the topics listed below. I will give a 1 sentence highlight.

a. The Geologic Column - There is a general consensus that there is a general global sedimentary pattern with some exceptions.

b. Pre-flood/flood boundary - It is generally accepted to be between the pre- Cambrian and Cambrian with some people arguing it should be lower.

c. Flood/post-flood boundary - Creationists are debating two possibilities.

Note: With respect to a. and b. above, Dr. Snelling stated that "we need to come to a consensus, so the Paleontologists and Biologists can do their thing."

d. Flood strata - This is now well established.

e. Pre-flood creation week - We have not grappled with this yet.

f. Coal and oil - A lot of good work is being done.

g. Limestones & Diatomite - Generally understood.

h. Precipitates & Evaporates - Need more work in this area.

i. Regional metamorphism - Need further investigation.

j. Granites - Getting closer and closer to a good explanation.

k. Radiohaloes - Under investigation.

l. Metallic Ore Deposits - Need further investigation.

m. Ratioisotopic dating - We have established the problems but still need to deal with the long ages.

n. Cratering - Much more work needs to be done.

In conclusion, Dr. Snelling believes that the creation geologic community has made much progress but more work needs to be done. We still need to build a comprehensive mode of radioactive decay and need a new generation of creation geologists to carry on the work.

3. Creation in Physics- Dr. Russ Humphries

Dr. Humphries presented four projects in young cosmology physics that need to be solved.

a. How galaxies form.

b. Find the picture under Quantum Mechanics

c. Delve into the structure of the raqia (firmament or expanse)

d. Search out how time works.

These are challenging problems that we need young bright creation Physicists to help solve.

My impressions, overall, were that this is a good way to help focus our efforts. I have been looking for the development of a cohesive, comprehensive creation model. By focusing each of the disciplines in this way, we may get there. Other disciplines will be addressed tomorrow night.

If you would like to help with our travel expenses, you can donate at

God Bless,

Dr. Rich Overman

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